Saturday, January 2, 2021

Happy birthday Millie Poetri Lucky

Hi Millie,

You are turning one today! Thanks for coming to this family and color daddy and mama’s life. (While typing this blog, you are in front of me seeking my attention as always. Now, you are tired and playing alone with your blanket. Lol)

It is such a lovely year to see how much you grow. You came out strong and keep stronger! 

As I am not a common-typed dad, I think I would say something on my blog to make sure that it will be safely archived and whenever you get older, you can read as many as you please. 

Millie, I wish nothing but the best for you. I wish you nothing but your happiness. You are a woman and you can be WHATEVER you want you to be. You can be a librarian, a doctor, a lawyer, a singer, a tennis player, a labour, name it!  Don’t let society define you, define yourself. You can love WHOEVER you want to love. I won’t judge you... even when you ain’t choose anyone. When the society pressures you, remember you have me as your support system.

Don’t be proud of being beautiful. Be proud of being sincere and nice. 

I won’t say too long as you start annoying me again. So! Happy birthday, Millie! XO

Friday, August 31, 2018

Short Escape in Ghana

Hi... How is everyone?

It is been like forever I haven't written anything on my blog. You can predict whether I don't have anything to share or I am too busy to do what I used to do. To be honest, I would say I am not too busy and kind of forget that I still have my blog to share. Lol

What should I write?

Okay, let me share to you about my short escape in Ghana. How does it sound? Interesting enough? hehehe

There was a time I was temporarily assigned to visit Ghana for almost 2 weeks. You know right, when I say 2 weeks, it means that I spent my weekend in Ghana! Can you imagine how terrible my weekend was, like.. alone.. not in your home country.. know no one.. I mean terribly AWESOME!

I googled "top destination in Ghana" and it showed some destinations worth visiting. Then I remembered that long time ago I have heard about a slave castle somewhere in Ghana. With no doubt, I went there.. alone..... (I am lying.. lol.. I went with my rented driver). It is called Slave Castle in Cape Coast.
On Saturday, I set up everything and was ready for the adventure. My driver said to me, If I wanted to head off to Slave Castle, better I passed by to Kakum National Park. However, He warned me that my schedule would be pretty tight as the castle will be closed by 3 PM.

Long story short, I gave it a try to visit Kakum National Park. The ticket was USD 10. My first impression was like.. It was just okay. I saw many foreigners visiting this park, but for those who has lived and grown in Borneo or Indonesia, those kind of jungle or park or whatever you want to call it is something that is easy to find. Then, I walked further in the jungle. Then, I was totally wrong! It was breath taking!!

I was Asian Tarzan! Lol

After couple hours, then I headed off to my main destination, Slave Castle in Cape Coast. After 3 hours driving from Accra to Kakum National Park, I need to drive another 2 hours to Cape Coast. I was worried that the castle was closed. Luckily, I touched down there 30 minutes before its close time.

Salve Castle. A place where slavery of Ghanaian happened in 1500ish. A place where families tore apart by the cruelty of human being.

I felt the gloomy sad miserable sensation that was indescribable. With the help of a tour guide, he told me about the history of the castle and how Ghanaian were murdered by British colonization. I was thrilled, yet excited at the same time to know more about the slavery story that I only knew from Hollywood movies. First, I got in to the dungeon, I was goose-bumped ! Sooooo scary! Thousand of Ghanaian were assertively dragged into a small dungeon and waiting to die. The only luck was only when a ship came from Europe to take them to Europe as a slave. If the ship has never come, then they will die slowly in the dungeon either due to hungry to death or no air to breathe.

Then, I got an opportunity to go further to governor room. It was totally different sensation. What I could see is the beauty of Ghana: the beach, fresh air, and great scenery.

For your information only, this slave castle has been visited by the president of the USA, Mr Barack Obama. I was so honored to have visited and experienced the same with him. lol

Overall, I finished my journey with one thing, the gracefulness of living in this modern world. Hahahaha.. So I don't need to know and experience those horrible stories. Whatever happened, they will be always remembered. Bless them and their ancestor.


Sunday, December 31, 2017

When life surprises you

After a very long break from my personal blog, apparently my holy spirit whispers to me something. it says, " Marvin, write your blog......." and here I come.... lol

Where should I start? hmmm... okay, lets come to this way. I am stuck in Nigeria. How does it sound? Does it sound miserable enough? Not really? Then, let me add more cue. I am stuck in Nigeria, whereas my friends and family are enjoying their vacation everywhere they have been wishing for. What should I call it? MISERY to the death? 😜

I am trying to kaleidoscope my 2017 into a word.. and I say it... AWESOME!

Back to the beginning of this year. I was enjoying myself in the Summer in Adelaide, Australia, waiting for Australia Open to come, drinking much wine (much in my term is actually 1-2 glasses, lol), having fun with my friends, going to the beach and getting tanned! life was SO GOOD back then.

Then the fun came to an end. My study has finished and I must go back to my country (even though I was still hoping to stay little bit longer in Australia). Oh, I miss all the hypes and the air and the accent..... More than two years I was adjusting myself into an advanced country. Never mind, I am MOVING ON though.. lol

And you know what? another surprise coming up. If you read my previous blog, you might know what kind of surprise it is.. lol. I got a job that assigns me to Africa. I mean, like.. WOW! Who ever dream about that? I had wished but never thought it would be sooooo true..

Tadaa... Six months I have been living in Nigeria. I was SHOCKED (not really shocked actually, but it is kind of in between shocked and speechless. lol). I am saying to myself: How should I adjust my life when I came from a technology-based country to a traditional country. I am not trying to compare one to another, but the life is actually up side down. From easy-to-go-and-feel-safe country to hard-to-go-and-feel-unsafe country. From driving politely to driving crazily. From five-hours-black-out-in-one-year-due-to-storm to five-hours-black-out-every-day-due-to-I-don't-know-why. From fast internet everywhere to cannot-get-signal-in-the-house. Now, I am comparing.... sorry!! ✌

But I learn something.. Life is still good whenever I stay. I am making new friends, saying goodbye, moving on, and making new friends again. Do you know how RICH am I? I am rich of having experience of life upon my under-30 age. And I never paid even a penny!!

I am still YOUNG, DUMB, and BROKE though.. lol but I am proud that I can come through this far.

So.... I am BLESSED and I don't regret for every decision that I made. It enriches me... And I will not write down some targets, resolutions, or whatever it is called because you know what ?!? life is more interesting when it comes to surprise you..

I cannot wait what future will bring. But thing for sure, TRY ME! I am ready...

HAPPY New Year guys.....

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Nigeria, My First Gate To Africa Continent

First! Do not underestimate your childhood dream.
Second! watch your mouth out when you speak of everything you are thinking about (by that time, an angel may pass through you and over-hear you then tell it to God what you have said)
Last! Believe in your dream (ahhh.. classic yet cheesy.. lol. But Hey! Believing is a pole to hold onto, isn't?)

Almost a year I ain't really write something on my blog. It is not because there was nothing interesting in my life, but actually I was too lazy to open up my laptop, start my first sentence, and can't be bothered to pour out my thought. lol 😝😝😝. However, miracle happened! my childhood dream becomes true... I am touching down AFRICA! 

First thing first, let me start how Africa becomes my childhood dream. as far as I remember myself (I am not good at remembering good thing though, haha), I have read a memoir book titled "A Long Way Gone: Memoir of a boy soldier" when I was in my first grade of high school. It was like.. hm.. 13 years ago. The book told about a kid named Ishmael Beah who became a boy soldier in Sierra Leone during a civil war ( If you don't familiar with this country, Sierra Leone is in Western side of Afric( 
Image result for a half way gone book Image result for sierra leone

And BANG! I was thrilled reading this book. How come a child is forced to be an unwilling boy soldier by regularly giving them drugs so that he won't be scared to shoot people and bury them alive (I do remember this one). I was like... Wow! I am grateful to have only read this book without experiencing myself. Yet, my curiosity came to surface about Africa. Since then, I have been into Africa and its culture. And since then too, I stop reading fiction books and start striving non-fiction books from Africa, middle east, or wherever they are from which able to enrich my thought about hard life. 

By the time goes by, I jokingly did tell my friends about the amazing Africa and how I am obsessed with this continent. They might have thought that I am crazy enough to adore Africa, while others prefer either Europe or USA. People have their own preference, haven't they? I do like experiencing new thought and culture. For example, I desperately want to go to Rome, Italy and watch AS Roma (my all time favorite football club) and watch Francesco Totti at Olimpico Stadium. However, this Africa thing.. hm.. I don't know.. I want to witness it myself. I didn't know yet how to get there, but I wanted to go there someday.... 

Long story short, After graduating my master from Adelaide University in Australia, I did come back home to Indonesia to continue my life. Struggling of looking for a PROPER job which I wish for isn't still yet to come. What is the job actually I wish for? a good job with a good salary and can alter me to travel wherever I want (classic.. lol). During the applying job and recruitment processes, I found a job offered at Kalbe International. This company is an Indonesian pharmaceutical company who is already established more than 50 years. The good thing about this offer is... They are looking for a candidate who wants to be assigned overseas. first, checked! I can travel again. lol. Then, I looked up on the website and it was stated that one of its branches is in Nigeria. I am like..... I MUST GET THIS JOB WHATEVER IT TAKES. hahahaha... 😝😝😝😝😝😝😝. I gave my full effort to impress the interviewers and my future boss. I confidently put a statement on my presentation to the users (Kalbe big bosses) "I am willing to be put in Africa". They were actually surprised though.. like.. how come a white fair-skin man graduated from a developed country like Australia wants to stay in Africa by purpose. It is totally upside down. They tried to show the reality about living in Africa to (maybe) scare me. Ahaaaaa... guys, they don't know my dream is bigger than my fear. lol

After more than ten year later, OH MY GOODNESS! I am actually in Africa... 

It is already a month staying in Nigeria. I was a bit scared with my decision. However, my excitement conquers everything. I do still survive though.. lol
Image result for nigeria

This country.. hm.. a country that is actually rich of natural resources but still a lot of things to fix. Okay, I don't want to involve with Nigeria' politic, but I do see a good future if they can manage the country well. People are lovely (Some are not, but most of them are..) and sincere. Am I too naive? hm.. I don't know.. because as far as I am concerned, I do not get any trouble with local people here (hopefully it remains good for me). They like staring at me and waving at me and calling me "Oyibo" means white. Okay, maybe I am too white and it is obvious to detect in the crowd. hahaha.. However. I don't mind. The kids are even more lovely.. lol. They keep coming and waving at me like they have just seen a creature from outer space. 

The food? Hm.. That is hard to discuss. lol. Actually, I am fine with the local foods but I am not a big fan of them. Okay, I do like porridge yum, pepe soup, and beef stew. For some foods, hmm, I still can't accept its smell and flavor. I think I still need time to adjust. However, I have my super favorite food in Nigeria called "Suya". Jesus Christ, I cannot stop eating it. Once in a week, I must buy it. And it is sooooooo good! I swear to God.. It is like 9 out of 10! 

Lastly, Lets talk about church!!! I have sometimes watched Hollywood movies about Africa or Afro-America or whatever related. Please watch "Sister Act" or "The Help" or whatever you can find a church scene, then you can see the vibe. on the movie, they were singing, dancing, crying, shouting, jumping, and clapping like they are not burden with problems. Okay, you can't really believe Hollywood, they most of the time are too much and exaggerating. Then, I visited one of the churches in Nigeria named Daystar Church. It was AMAH-ZING! hahaha. Those are REAL, even wilder (in a good way).. The choir, Jesus! I am speechless. 

I will be staying in Nigeria for at least one year, then let my fate pick another story of life. For me personally, I still want to visit Sierra Leone, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and MAURITIUS (As a bonus hahaha). To conclude my first month in Nigeria, I will walk without fear. Lol

Monday, June 13, 2016

Islamophobia vs Extremist from a perspective of third party

To begin with, I disclaim my note upon any religions, groups, specific communities, and even politics. Everything that I pour it out purely from what I think throughout this phenomenon that keeps heating up day by day. alert! you might get it offensive, but it is just my personal opinion to keep me updated from recent news around the world regarding to terrorism as blamed into specific religion or ethnic groups. if it is so, don't continue reading.. lol

I haven't written my blog since long time ago (Approximately more than a year). Until one day, I got a shocking news about domestic terrorism at gay club in Orlando, USA ( that brings me back to the boat where I belong. it is a mourning and devastating news that I hear since way back. From  the credible news such as the New York Times and the Washington Post, 50 people were slain in a mass shooting by a 29 years old, cold-blooded man named Omar Mateen who was born in the USA with Afghan decent. Moreover, even though it is not officially stated (it might be in couple days ahead from now on this blog is published), this terror was moved mostly by radicalism and extremism. Again, from the news that I read (, the man called 911 expressing fealty to ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), yet the authority informs that there is no evidence that he has been contacting ISIS and its board line. Some people believe that this terror is not a jihadist attack, as it is more likely to be said a right-wing crime. Actually, what is right-wing crime? it is an attack driven by non religious ideology and more about the hate of gay community and its activities. 

Regardless on what is Omar Mateen's motive of doing this mass shooting at Pulse Night Club, I wonder why should he claim to be a member of ISIS web to 911 during the attack? why should it happen while America is on for presidential election? from my 50 cents, Donald Trump gets a free credit from what he always brings into table during his presidential campaign about Islamophobia, extremest, and radicalism. 

Look out at the trend of Donald Trump popularity from his offensive controversial comments about some ethnic, community, and religion. he started from ZERO to HERO:

Then look out at the recent poll between Hillary Clinton (as a president candidate from Democratic Party) and Donald Trump (as a president candidate from Republican Party):

The gap between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump becomes closer. I (Sadly) predict that Donald Trump popularity will boost up after this massacre in Orlando. He will claim (and he has said on his Twitter) that what he said so far is something that people have to put into count. 

What will happen if Donald Trump bites the election in the USA? then Muslims will get suffered the most (along with Mexicans, I guess) for at least 4 years until its next presidential election (it could be less if he was impeached by the US representative due to his lack of capabilities on guiding the USA to become great again as he highlighted during his campaign). The suffer won't be experienced only for local Muslim community in the USA, but it could spread out to every single corner, edge, and block on the street. Why is this so important to come up? As the US president, he can allegedly offensively blame targeted religion and minor community that possibly ruins peace and diversity that have been built for ages around the world. World War III undoubtedly will knock our door.  I am afraid that Americans will see Donald Trump as a good captain to keep them safe while forgoing other rights. 

From my personal perspective, there is no excuse to shake people's right for living, praying, and even choosing their path life. I, myself. have been living in the biggest Muslim community in the world, Indonesia. The diversity and peace blend into a colorful harmony. As a Indonesian with Chinese decent and Christian (I am not too religious though), I could say that I mostly can do my activities without being bothered by the majority. Am I being discriminated? Nope! it has been alright. However, some people sometimes irritate me through their comments e.q I am Kafir/Unbeliever ( which I have no place in Heaven. Do I do care? Nope! Who are we to judge? 

To warp up, I can see this heated phenomenon can burst out if people don't stick together. Don't let issues easily burn the friendship, loyalty, and peacefulness. I know these days are the hardest days for Muslim around the world to cleanse their dignity. Indeed, they need an extra mile to change Islamophobia's perspective. I get your back. ^^

Please no more crime, attack, and terror on be half of anything.

Monday, March 9, 2015

My first month in Adelaide

Here I am back again.. 

By the time runs fast, surprisingly, I have been in Australia slightly more than a month and it is still 23 months left. Oh no, I'm not counting down, just remind me how time goes unconsciously. No wonder, I have very fascinating days during this time.


Arrived on 5th of February 2015. I can still feel how my fear flew up like crazy !! New place seems new world for me. I was captivated by the city. Adelaide is very quite, calm, and nice city. they are lovely. It seemed that everything would be well as I thought before flying here. Undoubtedly, exploration this city became my first priority upon all. However, I couldn't enjoy that much because I hadn't got my permanent accommodation. super worried at that time. Trying found out by myself without asking help from existing students or Indonesian who have been living here for such a long time. Couple places that I inspected and finally, I have been living at 296 Anzac Highway, Camden Park, 5038 - SA.
396 Camden Park, 5038 SA

Yes.. one task accomplished !!!! 

However, I miss Indonesia alot.. I mean, ALOT !!! I rarely find Indonesian food here. I couldn't easily find Indonesian chilly ( called Sambel ). More over, I even hardly find suitable food that could appetite my needs. How come can you eat bread with cheese all times ? where is rice with traditional taste made meal ?!? LOL. Yeah, condition forces me to adapt more or I am gonna suffer by hungry despite of losing appetite. On the other hand, I have known that microwave is very functional for making food !! call me silly , no worries.. But I am impressed on how microwave works on cooking food including raw meat ! I will buy one when I'm back home.. hahaha


Since here ( the first couple days ), I couldn't speak well. I was too scared speaking english.. Yeah, I was scared being seen dumb by others and I prefer keeping silent to speaking in wrong words or grammar. I was so insecure. really, drop the deepest down. Thus, this barrier bound me from making friend. I, myself, who are very good at pursuing people and sharing thought couldn't be no more enjoying that. Until I dealt with myself to be "I don't care what people say" person. Since then, I speak much whether I misuse words or grammar. I don't care. I just want to survive and enjoy life here. Now, I am struggling on listening local (Australian) accent. hahaha.. I am sure, I am gonna get used to it. ^^

Making friends is one of my difficulties. As Indonesian, I had lived with diverse cultures, before moving into Adelaide, but not this kind of situation. It is totally different !!! Lucky me, I've got very great friends here. supporting each other and being here when needed. I won't mention all but they are my precious ones for keeping me standing against hard days ( Okay, I am too exaggerated !! haha ). 


Finally, my first month was closed by being chosen as President of Indonesian Student Association at University of Adelaide. How Come ?!? hahahaha.. THIS ONE IS REALLY OUT MY LEAGUE !!! I am blessed to the max. Yeah, who would resist standing and running association which has great members included in it ?? I feel both honored and burdened. hahaha. 

Now, I am ready facing a very great future ahead along with confidence and great friends.

Note : Sorry for bad grammar, still on progressing enhancing english ability. lol

Monday, January 26, 2015

Kendos Runner _ Fun in Every Run

Kebahagiaan apalagi sih yang bisa gw bantahkan saat gw memiliki teman-teman tanpa melihat latar belakang, suku, dan agama ? Yup.. kali ini gw mau memberikan apresiasi tertinggi kepada Kendos Runner, salah satu komunitas lari terbesar, teraktual, dan tereksis di Surabaya. Terima kasih gw persembahkan kepada adek kesayangan, Aristiawan Putra, yang mengajak untuk bergabung di komunitas ini. Boleh berbagi sedikit kan bagaimana pengalaman bersama Kendos Runner ?
What happiness could you abandon when you have true friends who ain’t calculate your background, ethnic, and religion? Indeed.. At this moment, I would like to send my highest appreciation to Kendos Runner, which is the largest, newest, and the most existing run community in Surabaya. A special thanks goes to my lovely brother, Aristiawan Putra, who has asked me couple time to join on this community. Let me share a few on how sweet my experience with this fucking great run community, Kendos Runner. ;) 

Awalnya gw diajak oleh Aristiawan Putra (Aris) untuk gabung lari bersama Kendos Runner. Acara lari bersamanya selalu diadakan tiap hari Rabu jam 7 malam di Gelato (depannya Kebun Binatang Surabaya). Beberapa kali diajak, gw selalu menolak. Memang beberapa kali tidak bisa gabung karena ada urusan lain, tapi di dalam hati kecil yang paling dalam mengatakan, “ Orang gila lari-lari di jalan.. Kalau mau lari yah Treadmill-an kek, atau paling enggak di hutan mana kek.. Car Free Day lah minimal.. Ngapaen sih lari-lari di jalan, menghirup deru dan debu (ealahhh) “
Once upon a time (lol), I got an invitation from Aristiawan Putra (Aris) for joining the run show on the street. This ritual event held every Wednesday at 7 P.M at Gelato (which is obviously at the front of Surabaya Zoo). The more time He invites, the more time I decline. Vaguely, I can’t join on this event because of another more important activity ( on my side.. ^^ ). Honestly, In the bottom of my subconscious said, “Only stupid people want to jog on the street side. What the hell are they doing ? There are other options could be chosen, for instance : at the gym ? park ? or at least ( if you want to ) at Car Free Day on Sunday.. What am I supposed to do ? inhaling dust ! “

Sampai suatu hari dimana Aris telah lelah mengajak, gw pun berinisiatif untuk bertanya kembali tentang lari-lari tepi jalan itu.. hehe.. Berusaha mencoba pengalaman olahraga baru, gw pun dengan malu-malu datang ke Gelato. Inget banget kalau itu tanggal 22 Oktober 2014. Dengan sok jaga image, gw pun dikenalin satu persatu. Dan lari pun dimulai……… Teman-teman Kendos Runner pun tampak memperhatikan gw ( yah kali gw pingsan di jalan gitu… ). Belum tahu mereka kalau gw hampir tiap hari lari di treadmill.. tapi lagi-lagi gw cuman tersenyum dan bilang : masih kuat kok.
There was a day finding me realize that (might be) this was the time I came and jogged with Kendos Runner as Aris was tired asking me. I started making some questions how good jogging on the street side. Eventually, I came out and shyly introduced myself to everyone had come. As I remember, It was on 22th October 2014. I walked through the people sit and lay on my hand each by each. How I gazed and shrug was awkward. The jog began…. They seemed like worry about me (in my thought, they were quite scared that I suddently fell out.. lol). They hadn’t known how good I am at working out which I did that almost once a day. As I showed my politeness, I tried smiling and said : I am good.

Kesan pertama : ternyata lari di jalan cukup menyenangkan !! dan anak-anak Kendos Runner sangat welcome ( memang ada beberapa yang tampak judes.. dan gw ga mau mention ah.. hihihi )
My early sum up : this is nice ! and they welcomed me more than I would’ve imagined. ( some were not, I mean, might be they just didn’t know me well.. I wouldn’t mention it who did.. lol)

Singkat cerita………….. gw selalu ikutan tiap hari Rabu hingga sekarang !!! Dalam hati, gw seperti menelan ludah yang uda gw buang ke tong sampah… tapi gw bahagia bersama mereka……..
When time goes by, I am a part of them, I mean, I have been joining until now ! I’m like… hmm.. hmm.. Oh crap.. Okay, I'm like lick my damn own words when I discouraged them at the first beginning... Yeah, I do that for my own good. I lllooovvvveeeeeee being with them….

Ikut lomba bareng, nongkrong bareng, ngepath sahut-sahutan, foto-foto narsis bersama, dan pastinya lari bersama !!!! Perlahan demi perlahan, gw mulai mengenal mereka dengan lebih dalam.. 1 hal yang gw bisa tangkap dari persahabatan dengan mereka : Ketulusan.
Joining local run event together, hanging around, chatting, taking selfie together and absolutely jogging together!!! In the end, I fully recognize them well. One thing for sure that might colors them : purity.

Kadang suka berpikir waktu cukup singkat saat mengenal mereka semua, tapi persahabatan yang terbangun seperti selamanya. Kita tidak pernah sekalipun mempermasalahkan bagaimana bentuk dompet kita, seberapa gaul kita, bagaimana aliran musik kita, dan bagaimana bentuk sepatu kita, asalkan kita mencintai lari, kita dapat bergabung dan menjadi bagian dalam Kendos Runner.
This limited time that I had doesn’t mean I haven’t got a real connection with them. This friendship feels like forever for me. We never ever conclude and discriminate on how good we are, what kind of music genre that we like, or how bad our shoes. As far as you love running, you are welcomed to being a part of Kendos Runner.

Dan saat ini pun gw harus berpisah dengan Kendos Runner ( secara fisik ) karena harus mengejar mimpi besar yang uda gw rancang. Gw yakin seberapa jauh pun gw berada, hati gw tetap akan ada di Kendos Runner. Sebuah komunitas lari di Surabaya yang menjunjung tinggi sebuah kemurnian cinta akan lari dan persahabatan.
The time I have to say goodbye (physically) while I have to catch my dream. Surely, I am still Kendos ! a run community that bring out purity of running and friendship in Surabaya.

Terima kasih Kendos Runner telah menerima dan menjadikan gw bagian dari kalian. Semakin besar, semakin kuat, dan semakin kokoh. Tetap bersatu dan jagalah kemurnian ini.
My special credit to Kendos Runner for accepting me. I hope nothing but the very best for EACH of YOU !!!!!